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Jul 1, 2017

Lars Wegner Joins Evaxion Biotech

Lars Wegner, M.D., has been appointed as Evaxion’s new Chief Executive Officer in addition to his current role as Board Member. Niels Møller, outgoing Chief Executive Officer, will continue in the combined role of Chief Operational Officer and Chief Medical Officer.

Lars brings extensive experience from the vaccine industry, first at Pfizer and then 10 years as part of the Senior Management in Bavarian Nordic, a listed immuno-oncology and vaccine company. Lars has previous been involved in multiple start-ups and early ventures and is also a Founding Investor of Evaxion. Lars will oversee the continued growth of the company and the Evaxion team is excited to get Lars on-board full time and leverage his experience to ensure that Evaxion reaches its aspiration.

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